Main input parameters
ModeAndScheme M S
If present, this keyword must appear first in the input file. It takes two arguments: positive integer M specifying the desired calculation mode; and non-negative integer S specifying the solution scheme to be used. The default values are M = 2 and S = 3.
Mode of calculation
- M = 1 triggers a single- or multi-wavelength calculation of near fields E, B and optical chirality 𝒞, at fixed incidence directions and/or orientation-averaged
- M = 2 triggers a single- or multi-wavelength calculation of far-field properties (e.g. spectra of optical cross-sections), at fixed incidence directions and/or orientation-averaged
- M = 3 triggers a single- or multi-wavelength calculation of polarimetric properties, such as Stokes scattering vectors, phase matrix, and differential scattering cross sections for multiple incidence and/or scattering angles
Scheme of solution
- S = 0 will seek solutions for the given angles of incidence, without seeking the collective T-matrix
- S > 0 will calculate the collective T-matrix either (S = 1) by direct inversion of the complete linear system to obtain T(i, j), or (S = 2) by using Stout’s iterative scheme for T(i, j), or (S = 3) by using Mackowski’s scheme for T(i). Note that fixed-orientation cross-sections are also calculated when S > 0.
Scatterers N
This keyword must appear last in the inputfile
, with a
single positive integer argument N specifying the number of
scatterers. The following N lines specify all the required
parameters per scatterer, and each line must contain five or more
space-separated fields, i.e.
Tag x y z R [ a b c [ d ] ] ( if Tag(1:2) = "TF" )
[ a [ b [ c ] ] ] ( if Tag(1:2) != "TF" )
where Tag is a contiguous string, which may contain one underscore to separate the root from the suffix; x, y, z are the Cartesian coordinates (in the lab frame) for the scatterer, whose smallest circumscribing sphere has radius R. All other subsequent parameters (inside square brackets) depend on the root of Tag .
Before the root of Tag is parsed, the code first looks for a
suffix of the form _S? and associates it with a multipole
selection predefined using the MultipoleSelections
If the root of Tag is either “TF1”, “TF2”, … , or “TF9”,
which correspond to a 1-body T-matrix file listed under the TmatrixFiles
floats a, b, and c can be supplied to specify
the Euler angles describing the scatterer orientation (default angle
values are all zero). Another float d may be included to
specify the aspect ratio for spheroids, which is currently only used for
mapping local field intensity and visualising the geometry. Note that
d is interpreted as the ratio of polar (along z) to equatorial
(along x or y) length, so that d > 1 for prolate spheroids,
d < 1 for oblate spheroids, and d = 1 for spheres
(default). Note that for nonspherical particles the circumscribing
sphere radius R is used to check for potential geometrical
overlap between particles, but also in the balancing scheme.
If the root of Tag is not “TF?”, the 1-body
T-matrix is computed using Mie theory, which is applicable to
coated spheres. The expected Tag format is
, with the character “@” delimiting substrings
that specify the material dielectric function of each concentric region
inside the scatterer, starting from the core (L0) and going
outward. The number of coats is inferred from the number of
instances of “@” and is currently capped at 3. Tag of a
homogeneous sphere (without layers) should not contain any “@”,
i.e. Tag = L0. Currently accepted values for L? are:
“Au”, “Ag”, “Al”, “Cr”, “Pt”, “Pd”, “Si”, and “Water” which trigger
internal calculation of the wavelength-dependent dielectric functions
for the required material, or “DF1”, “DF2”, …, “DF9” to impose a custom
dielectric function listed under the DielectricFunctions
keyword. For coated spheres, the outer radius of each region must be
specified by floats R, a, b, c in
the order of decreasing size (i.e. going radially inward).
TmatrixFiles Nfiles
Specifies the number of external T-matrix files (default:
Nfiles = 0). The subsequent
Nfiles lines are each read as a string and then
interpreted as a filename. Wrap the string in quotation marks if it
contains the relative path or special characters,
e.g. "../../tmatrix_Au_spheroid_50x20_water.tmat"
. Note
that the wavelengths in each file must exactly correspond to
the values specified by the Wavelength
The T-matrix file format is as follows:
- First line is a comment (starts with a
) describing the format# s sp n np m mp Tr Ti
- Second line is also a comment and starts with
# lambda= N1 nelements= N2
where N1 is the wavelength in nanometres, and N2 is the number of T-matrix elements to be read below - Subsequent lines contain the indices and T-matrix values for this particular wavelength,
are the row (resp. column) index of the multipole mode (1: magnetic, or 2: electric)n
index the multipole degreem
index the multipole orderTr
give the real and imaginary part of the T-matrix element
- If the file contains multiple wavelengths each wavelength-block is
appended below the others, starting with a line
# lambda= N1 nelements= N2
An example is show below,
# s sp n np m mp Tr Ti | prolate Au spheroid in water, a = 10 c = 20
# lambda= 400 nelements= 136 epsIn= -1.649657+5.771763j
1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1.189109253832815e-04 -2.161746691903687e-05
1 1 1 1 0 0 -5.597968829951113e-05 -3.444956295771378e-05
... [truncated]
2 2 4 4 3 3 -3.794740062663782e-11 5.636725538124517e-11
2 2 4 4 4 4 -1.113090425618089e-11 1.707927691863483e-11
# lambda= 402 nelements= 136 epsIn= -1.661947+5.778032j
1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1.160926707256971e-04 -2.119092055798298e-05
1 1 1 1 0 0 -5.467319805259745e-05 -3.371696756234449e-05
... [truncated]
2 2 4 4 3 3 -1.279170882307354e-15 1.378894188143029e-13
2 2 4 4 4 4 -3.752182192799965e-16 4.101975575297762e-14
... [truncated]
# lambda= 800 nelements= 136 epsIn= -24.236565+1.458652j
1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -7.146139984375531e-07 -1.120611667309835e-05
1 1 1 1 0 0 -4.379156367712547e-07 -7.955074171282911e-06
... [truncated]
2 2 4 4 3 3 -1.240958755455683e-15 1.346747233206165e-13
2 2 4 4 4 4 -3.640885008022631e-16 4.006450678480949e-14
... [truncated]
DielectricFunctions Nfuns
Specifies the number of custom dielectric functions (default:
Nfuns = 0). The subsequent Nfuns
lines are each read as a string and then interpreted as either (i) a
filename with a relative path or (ii) real and imaginary parts of a
constant (i.e. wavelength independent) value. Wrap each string in
quotation marks, e.g. "../../epsAg.dat"
"2.25d0 0.0d0"
. The files should be in three-column format:
the wavelength in nm followed by the real and imaginary parts of the
relative dielectric function on each line. The wavelength range in the
file must fully contain the range specified by the Wavelength
keyword, but the
values need not correspond exactly as they will be linearly
Medium X
Sets the real-valued dielectric constant of the host medium (default value is 1.0). If X < 0 then its magnitude is interpreted as a refractive index (s), from which the dielectric constant is calculated as X = s2.
Wavelength L1 [ L2 n ]
Wavelength file filename
Without the optional arguments, this keyword changes the default wavelength of 666.0 nm to a new value L1. Including the optional arguments will specify a closed interval [ L1, L2 ] divided into n regular grid spacings, thus producing n+1 wavelengths.
The alternative format is to provide a list of wavelengths in an external file, in which case the argument file must be a string starting with ‘f’ or ‘F’, and filename must specify the filename. The file’s first line must contain the total wavelength count, nlambda, and the subsequent nlambda lines each must contain a single value, interpreted as a wavelength in nanometres. Note that wavelengths read from an external file need not be regularly spaced, or ordered.
Incidence a b c [ p ] / [ na nb nc ]
Incidence file filename [p]
This keyword modifies the incident plane-wave. The default travel direction (along z in lab-frame) can be changed by the Euler angles a in the range [0, 2π) and b in the range [0, π], coinciding with the azimuthal and the polar angles, respectively, of the spherical polar coordinates in the lab frame. In addition, the amplitude vector can then be rotated about the new travel direction by the third Euler angle c in the range [0, 2π). All three Euler angles are defined in accordance with the right-hand rule, and the sequence of rotation angles a,b,c corresponds to the intrinsic ZY’Z’ convention. That is: rotate by a about the current z-axis, then by b about the new y-axis, and finally by c about the new z-axis.
Near-field and polarimetric calculations, i.e. in modes M = 1 and M = 3, require the polarisation of incident light to be specified. The polarisation is set by integer p, with |p| = 1 setting linear polarisation, |p| = 2 setting circular polarisation, and the sign selecting one of the two Jones vectors in each case (positive: x-linear-polarised or R-circular-polarised; negative: y-linear polarised or L-circular-polarised). Note: for a circularly polarised wave travelling along z, right-circular (R) polarisation means that the amplitude vector is rotating clockwise in the xy-plane from the receiver’s viewpoint (looking in the negative z direction).
The integer p can be omitted in mode M = 2, because its output is always calculated for all four polarisations.
A negative value of argument a, b, and/or c will trigger discretisation of the corresponding angle range to produce −a grid points (resp. −b or −c). The grid points are uniformly spaced for the first and the third Euler angles, but for the second (i.e. polar) angle the discretisation is such that the cosine is uniformly spaced. The range maximum of each angle can be divided by an (optional) integer na, nb, and nc, to help avoid evaluating redundant grid points in the presence of symmetry. Note that the discretisation is constructed so that orientational averages are computed as a uniformly weighted Riemann sum with the midpoint rule. The weight wi of each grid-point i is simply wi = 1/ngps, where ngps is the total number of grid points.
Multiple incidences can also be read from a file, in which case the argument a must be a string starting with ‘f’ or ‘F’, and b must specify the filename. The file’s first line must contain the total incidence count, ninc, and the subsequent ninc lines each must contain four space-separated values: the three Euler angles (ai, bi, ci) and the weight wi of each incidence. The weights are only used to compute rotational averages for convenience, which is a common use-case.
In Mode = 1
(near-field calculations), if p
is set to p=1
(default value, linear polarisaiton), the
orientation average of the local degree of optical chirality ⟨𝒞⟩ will be calculated for both RCP and LCP
(noting that linear polarisation would give 0 everywhere, when
orientation-averaged). Since the calculation can be time-consuming,
setting p=+/-2
triggers the calculation for only that
specific circular polarisation.
MultipoleCutoff n1 [ n2 [ t ] ]
Change the primary multipole cutoff (used for irregular offsetting when staging the linear system) from the default value of 8 to n1. Another cutoff (used for regular offsetting when “contracting” the collective T-matrix) can be set to n2 >= n1 (equality by default). A relative tolerance 10t (with t < 0 and t = −8 by default) is used in the test for convergence of cross-sections with respect to multipole order n = 1…n2 (the summation can terminate below n2 if the relative tolerance is reached).
MultipoleSelections Ns
This keyword defines optional multipole selections for individual T-matrices, and it must be followed by Ns lines with two fields: (i) a string range specifying the selection range; and (ii) a string type specifying the selection type. For example:
MultipoleSelections 3
MM1:4_EM1:4_ME1:4_EE1:4 blocks
MM1:0_EM1:15_ME1:8_EE1:0 rows
EM1:1_ME1:1 columns
The range string must be of the form
MM?:?_EM?:?_ME?:?_EE?:?, with the underscores separating the ranges for
each T-matrix block (e.g. MM or ME), and each range specified
by a closed multipole interval ?:?
(e.g. nlo:nhi = 1:4). No
selection will be applied to blocks not included in range, so
these “missing” blocks will remain unmasked (left “as is” in the
original T-matrix). On the other hand, a whole block can be
masked (zeroed out) by setting nlo >
nhi (e.g. MM1:0
will set the whole
block of the T-matrix to 0).
The type string must either start from “c”, “r”, or “b”, to indicated that the selection is either applied to T-matrix columns, rows, or both (producing non-zero blocks). To clarify, if type(1:1) = “c”, then all T-matrix columns corresponding to multipole orders n < nlo and n > nhi will be set to zero. For type(1:1) = “b”, columns and rows for n < nlo and n > nhi will be set to zero.